poniedziałek, 29 października 2012



domiingo por la mañana y asiiendo ejerciiciio kien me kiieere akompañar??

Writing for Money Where the Money is

Writing for Money Where the Money is

Writing your own blog has it's advantages. Nobody tells you what you should write about, and generally you are free to do or not do whatever you like. That includes publishing exactly the pictures you want, rather than what the publisher is expecting.

It has the drawback that no one will tell you it something is really bad. This can mean badly written as in grammar and style, or just plain below the radar. And you might miss the point of your article, or miss the pictures that will really interest people. Hits will tell you that, though. But not everybody has to like every picture you put up.

Writing for Triond is a completely different matter. Triond doesn't publish on a single page address unlike a blog. It runs several sites that are dedicated to certain themes like science, creative writing, religion, society, and what not more. Articles get sorted into these publishing sites and get published there. The different sites have different search page rankings. And different pages have different payment amounts coming your way.

Triond states that it is splitting its income from the views with you 50/50 without giving any closer details. But after some time you will notice that there are sites run by Triond that are at best a waste of time for you. Don't bother to post any pictures on Triond's piccable page, for instance. They don't even make a penny a piece.

All Triond's publishing pages show changing results over time. That makes it impossible to tell you which one is the best paying one at any time. But there is a trend in the results you get for your views. The worst paid site is relijournal. If one of your articles gets shunted there, try to have it relocated elsewhere. If they don't, delete it, rewrite it completely, then republish it under a new title.

The other site you should avoid at all cost is authspot where creative writing gets its say. If you deal in creative writing, then there is not a lot to complain about, but if the article was just moved there on one of Triond's whims, try to get it relocated. If this is declined, follow the steps recommended above. If you deal in creative writing, though, you might just want to look out for a better paying publisher.


Check Spelling and Grammar

Check Spelling and Grammar

When building a brand as an author, nothing is more painful than faulty grammar or spelling. Style is something to debate and a way to distinguish yourself from other writers. But spelling and grammar have to be in place for you not to lose yours. If, like me, you are not absolutely sure how a specific word is spellt then get a spell checker. I am taking applications for real life spell checkers, too:

I am relying on Microsoft Word and Thesaurus to keep me out of trouble. My spelling mistakes are often those made by writing in haste. Even a spell checker can't catch them all: I therefore try not to publish anything immediately so as to be able to read it with fresh eyes the next day. I don't have to tell you how often I catch my own mistakes with that system.

Grammar is another thing altogether, at least in my case. My knowledge of grammar is adequate, but I grew up speaking German. Time and again, Thesaurus catches my German constructions. You would probably be in stitches if you saw these sentences. I sometimes am when comparing before and after.
Consistent and correct writing is an essential part of establishing a relevant brand. Spending more time on your articles for the sake of consistently correct spelling and correctly applied grammar is no waste of time, but simply a must.


That Awkward Moment When

That Awkward Moment When

Do you think sport is exciting? I do. Usually for the sport as such, but sometimes for the guys that are competing in it. And some sports I find exciting to compete in. That is one side. And then there are the guys who find their sport extremely exciting like some wrestlers. They find their sport so exciting, in fact, that it shows. And then some.

Sport is exciting on many levels, and some boys and men show their excitement quite prominently on a level usually reserved for bed sports. They are upright proof that homoerotic thought never enters a sportsman's mind. That is why there are no gays in certain sports, right? Nothing like keeping a stiff, errh, upper lip?

As to the competing boys and men: For them it is that awkward moment when their boner shows all too clearly in the often skimpy or over-tight sporting gear. And some of them are really impressively equipped making it impossible to overlook what is going on with their gear. It gives the expression 'sporting greats' a completely new and graphic meaning. And it makes sport even more exciting.

Actors need to be sportsmen, too. Climbing the mast can be quite exciting to some. And actors' gear can be as revealing as any.
